10 October 2005

GDave Winer is [redacted]
I may have mentioned this before
Philyes he is
has anything in particular caused this probably-justified outburst?
The orange XML icon is an abomination.
without a shadow of a doubt
it's a blight on the internet
GIt's ugly and it doesn't represent what it does *at all*
Philhang on - didn't he even admit that the other week when he was posting about a new orange "subscribe" button to be used with Yahoo!!!! ?
"I worked real hard to get the NY Times on the RSS bandwagon, for example, only to have them mark up their page with dozens of "Add this to My Yahoo" icons. Wow. What an eyesore." - fucking hell! the nerve!
GI wonder what his position on mailto icons is
"Use the animated gif of a letter being written and jumping into an envelope, stop re-inventing"
Philha! :)
GAlso, he overloads the xml icon on his own site
1 to point to an OPML file, one to point to RSS
you mean you can't figure out what to do with an arbitrary XML file?
you're not worth talking to.
GDoes XML now mean "something an aggregator may or may not be able to handle"
Philgod knows
he clearly can't even decide himself
G And his blog template is shite
For the "father of blogging" he has an unreadable, no page per article string of conciousness, unclear article boundry, fragile permalink mess.
Philwow, he not only overloads the white-on-orange XML icon, he also uses a different icon to link to another OPML file
yes, trying to navigate his blog is a nightmare

07 October 2005

Google's new aggregator



Everyone knows about it now. I have no words for how bad its interface is.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I'm expecting a lot more photos to crop in Flickr tagged with both "Google Reader" and "this is broken". My two in there should be enough to give you some rough idea.

no words.