05 April 2008

Firefox History Cleanup

Firefox, originally uploaded by Xurble.

So far I'm liking Firefox 3.

I'm even getting used to the smart address bar thingemy.

But since it's so damn smart now, it feels like a missed opportunity to fix one of my biggest browser auto-complete bugbears.

How do you get rid of an erroneous (say mistyped) entry from the list? Particularly one the goes to the top of the list and obscures the thing you're really after.

I reckon a delete from history button (X marks the spot) in the drop list would do the trick.


Anonymous said...

Shift+Del when the stray entry is highlighted. Been available forever.

It could clearly be more discoverable, though.

Unknown said...

Hover over the entry you don't want, in the address bar, or form filler or pre-populated password entry, and hit shift-delete. We should make that more discoverable, but it does exist!

Gareth Simpson said...

Genius! That's bothered me since forever.

And yes, I suggest some means of discovering it that doesn't involve whinging on the internet :)