22 November 2009

After all these years I have finally worked out what's wrong with the OSX dock

It's that there's no way to predict when the magnifying effect is going to kick in. So if you point your mouse somewhere near the top of the dock it springs into life.

I like the magnifying, it just needs to cut it out until the mouse is well and truly within the bounds of the unmagnified icons.

I suspect this has been pointed out on the internet a bazillion times. I can't be arsed to check.

02 March 2009

Twitter #tags

I am not the biggest fan of them in general as I think I have already mentioned.

However since installing a client that supports them properly (i.e. auto links them to the appropriate search) on my phone, I am kind of almost seeing the point of them.

What is utterly fucking criminal is that the normal twitter interface doesn't auto link them like @replies when search.twitter.com does.
